By purchasing the product or service promoted on this page, Benzie Johnson, Jr. may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Please read the full affiliate disclosure at the bottom of this page for more information.
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Protect your security and privacy online
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Protect your security and privacy online
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Our VPN service so on and so forth helps you do this that and the other thing.
Important affiliate disclosure
Promotional pages on this website constitute financial relationships between Benzie Johnson, Jr., and the product or service being promoted in accordance with guidelines established by the United States Federal Trade Commission. These guidelines are intended to protect you, the consumer, from misleading advertising.
Links on this page are "affiliate links", in which Benzie Johnson, Jr. may receive a commission or compensation if a link on this page is used to make a purchase. This comes at no additional cost to you and helps support the content provided through the Benzie Johnson, Jr. YouTube channel. Editorial content, including opinions and commentary expressed through the YouTube channel or content on other platforms, solely represents the opinions of Benzie Johnson, Jr., and the integrity of those opinions is not impacted or influenced in any way by the financial relationships expressed through these promotional pages.
Unless explicitly stated within the content directing to this page, this promotional page should not be considered a personal endorsement of the product or service being promoted. While efforts are made to ensure affiliate relationships are only made in support of reputable, high-quality brands and businesses, personal experience with all products and services promoted is not guaranteed, and multiple competing products or services may be promoted across different pieces of content.
By making a purchase of the promoted product through this page, you agree to not solely rely on any information or recommendation presented in the relevant content or this page in making your purchasing decision. Benzie Johnson, Jr. will not be held liable or responsible for any damages resulting from your purchase or use of the promoted product or service. It remains solely your responsibility to conduct your own research when determining whether to purchase an affiliated product or service promoted here. Claims, statistics, and other representations made about the product or service being represented on this promotional page are those of the product or service being promoted, not Benzie Johnson, Jr., and should be verified with the provider of the product or service and/or the due diligence of third parties.
Offers, products, and services promoted on the channel and through these pages are subject to change without notice. While reasonable effort will be made to update and keep current the offers, products and services represented throughout content, the promoted brands may change their offers, or Benzie Johnson, Jr. may choose to discontinue offering an affiliate link for the product or service mentioned, without warning. In the event the offer promoted on this page does not align with the offer promoted on the brand's website (as seen through the affiliate link), the offer presented through the affiliate link by the brand shall prevail as the offer being made available.
Last updated October 19, 2021